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近年来,龙岩电力变压器市场需求总体呈上升趋势, 随着农网改造、特高压、超高压直流输电等工程的建设,带动了我国电力变压器行业的快速发展。当前我国智能电网建设工程的全面展开及工程进度加快,电力变压器产业在 发展中迎来属于自己的行业机遇,电力变压器市场的需求动向从某种程度上说取决于电力市场的发展。根据国家电网2010年规划,“十二五”期间是我国电网全面建 设阶段,在我国十多年来坚持智能电网建设规划的驱动下,我国电力变压器行业在2015年前将继续保持稳定增长的态势。虽说未来几年电网投资规模难以恢复到较快 增长的水平,但依旧难掩电力变压器进一步转型升级的“锋芒”。
In recent years, the overall longyan power transformer market demand is on the rise, along with the retrofit, the construction of the uhv and uhvdc transmission engineering, led to the rapid development of the power transformer industry in our country. The current China's smart grid construction in full swing and the project progress is accelerated, the power transformer industry in developing opportunities in their own industry, electric power transformer and the demand of the market trend to some extent depends on the development of power market. According to the national power grid planning in 2010, is China's power grid during "twelfth five-year" comprehensive building stage, more than a decade in China adhere to the driving of the smart grid construction planning, the power transformer industry in China in 2015 will continue to maintain steady growth trend. Although the next few years power grid investment scale is difficult to restore to the level of rapid growth, but it is still difficult to mask power transformer further transformation and upgrading of the "edge".
Longyan power institutes the winning bid, crossing the xinjiang tianshan thyme wind area, the maximum wind speed of 43 m/s design, complex terrain, is one of the most difficult blocks all design, also is the largest in all engineering standard package. In the project feasibility study stage, the court play as xinjiang longyan power engineering and lead role, actively carry out the scene reconnaissance, accumulated the rich data, fully recognized and highly technical ability, won the bid. The personage inside course of study thinks, longyan industrial structure is currently faced with the new adjustment, combined with our country economy into the transformation of the development of high-speed growth, the profound change of the international and domestic situation, bring the equipment manufacturing industry in our country unprecedented risks and challenges.
Longyan power institutes the winning bid, crossing the xinjiang tianshan thyme wind area, the maximum wind speed of 43 m/s design, complex terrain, is one of the most difficult blocks all design, also is the largest in all engineering standard package. In the project feasibility study stage, the court play as xinjiang longyan power engineering and lead role, actively carry out the scene reconnaissance, accumulated the rich data, fully recognized and highly technical ability, won the bid. The personage inside course of study thinks, longyan industrial structure is currently faced with the new adjustment, combined with our country economy into the transformation of the development of high-speed growth, the profound change of the international and domestic situation, bring the equipment manufacturing industry in our country unprecedented risks and challenges.
Decline in the international market demand also makes the trade protectionism looked up further, increase in the number of trade protection equipment manufacturing industry in China, expanding and deepening. Statistics of the ministry of industry and information technology, in 2015 China's trade remedy investigation 89 cases, the amount of $3.6 billion, 337 and became the one of the biggest victim survey.



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